Our Partners
Graceworks gives a gospel message at the weekly block party.
Graceworks Alaska
Graceworks brings teams up from the lower 48 all summer. These teams put on Bible programs for children and youth in playgrounds and parks around Anchorage. Graceworks builds great relationships with people in our community and we partner with them to help grow disciples of Christ. Website
First Hmong Baptist Church of Alaska
This Hmong church shares our building and meets on Sunday afternoons at 2:00.
The Gideons International
Several of our church members are also members of the Gideons. This organization supplies Bibles in hospitals, hotels, schools, and community events throughout the world.
Jeanette meets with the captain of the Coral Princess.
Alaska Christian Mission to Seafarers
Two of our members, Joe & Jeanette Seale work faithfully with this ministry to provide support to seafarers who come into ports in Seward, Whittier, and Anchorage. They provide a home-like setting, food, wifi, grocery store runs, and friendship to those who work on ships. Through these services they share Christ’s love.
Ethnos 360 - The Hodgdon’s
Adam and Amy Hodgdon are missionaries serving with Ethnos360 Aviation. Adam is an aircraft mechanic in Papua New Guinea, and Amy raises their 3 boys.
Subscribe to their monthly update: The Hodgdon Family (list-manage.com)
Send financial donations directly to the Hodgdon’s: Adam and Amy Hodgdon - Ethnos360
Cooperative Program
As members of the Southern Baptist Convention, our church gives 10% of our offerings to the cooperative program which sends missionaries around the world.